Friday, May 15, 2015

Psychology behind becoming a better person

Psychology behind becoming a better person

          People who become better people do so out of a desire for improvement. Everyone is slowly becoming a different person over time but only a few are choosing to become a better person. To become a better person, you have to focus on yourself more closely than you previously did.

          How should you focus to become a better person? Self-focus is the best focus. People have a tendency of wanting to be better so that other people will noticed them. For that reason, they typically focus on people and try to evoke particular responses out of others. This never works in the long term. When you start focusing more on yourself, other people start to notice you. Ironically, people like to copy their immediate environment. And when you are self-focused and always try to improve, people will become more interested in you. When the environment is suddenly taking notice of who we are, this a clue that we are becoming better as a person.

          How should we see ourselves? We should see ourselves as the main star of an incredible action movie. We should always be focused on our journey and seeing ourselves progress to overcome the big obstacle we are preparing for. If you aren’t preparing yourself for obstacles daily, you aren’t the main star of the movie and you will not become a better person.

          Becoming a better person is about being completely selfish. We must be so selfish that we give to others for our personal desire to balance ourselves… not for them. Giving should be done strategically so that we can analyze improvements of our rare unselfishness.

          What happens when we become better? People in our lives will become better when we do because the way we affect them will be different. We will be able to provide amazing value in others’ lives simply because we’ve provided value in our own lives. So this selfish idea of becoming better will not only help you, but it will also help everyone you interact with.

          Why should we be constantly striving to be a better person? If you don’t care enough about yourself to do this for you, at least do it for the world. Do it for everyone in your immediate environment. Make their lives better by actually being better. In conclusion, our life gets better only when we become better.

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