Thursday, May 21, 2015

Psychology behind questions

Psychology behind questions


          Almost every thought in our head is the result of a subconscious question. The human mind is constantly pondering questions and constantly finding answers for those questions. The role of the mind is to ask itself questions and answer them.


          In terms of success, successful people are constantly asking themselves the right questions. Why? Because those are the only questions that matter. And the rate at which the answers are found determines how long success takes.


          People that don’t become successful in life are constantly asking themselves the wrong questions. The wrong questions are wrong because it distracts the mind. A distracted mind can’t find the right answers. Inability to find the right answers means inability to accomplish goals. People that can’t accomplish goals will not be successful in life.


          Why do failures continue to ask themselves the wrong questions? Failures believe that finding the answers to the wrong questions will get them back on track in order to ask themselves the right questions. It is much easier to find other wrong questions to ponder once you’ve started the process of pondering the wrong questions.


          Successful people are constantly studying self-help and personal development because the study of that subject gets them on track to always ask the right questions.


          What makes a right question a “right” question? This depends on your goal. Right questions precedes answers that moves you in the direction of accomplishing your goal. Thus, if the question does not relate to your goals, you should not be pondering an answer for it. In conclusion, you can either stay focused or get distracted.


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