Monday, May 11, 2015

Psychology Behind investing your time

Psychology behind investing your time

          There are two things people can do with their time. People can either invest their time or spend their time. Spending your time is what most people are tempted to do. Spending your time is typically easy. To choose not to invest your time is to choose to spend your time. To invest your time would mean to give up the opportunity to spend your time. This mean that you plan to spend your time one day in the future.

          Time is very precious. We can’t buy it or buy more of it. It never goes back. All of us are constantly running out of time. So how we use our limited time is important. Most people realize this truth far too late. Most people spend too much of their time and only invest a little and that is when they attribute the notion of “life is short”. When you invest your time, life can be as long as you are willing to make it.

          Some of the most common ways in which most people spend their time is through consumption of media. People spend hours in front of a television and online consuming the media other people produce. The only time when spending time is valuable is when your “time” is about to run out. If you know that you don’t have many years left of life, then spending time is probably the best thing you can do to die peacefully and happy.

          How should most people use their time? People should invest most of their time. Time is like money to an extent. If you invest your time, you will have more of it to spend (in comparison to the amount we would have otherwise lost). We can’t gain more time, however, we can slow down the rate at which we are losing time. For example, at the unhealthy rate most people are eating, they will not live to exist very long. On the other hand, if people eat healthy, they can keep the years they would have otherwise lost from unhealthy habits. Investing time is probably the most underrated use of time. The only time when this is a bad idea is if we won’t live long enough to see a return on our investment.

          Life is about work. The best work is invested work. If what you are doing will not benefit you in the future, then why do it? Why are you doing so much for short term benefits? There is nothing wrong with investing in the present moment. The problem is that short term investing can sometimes be addictive. Long term investing can be addictive too, but it is addictive in a good way. We are where we are in life because of where we were. So if we want to be somewhere else in the future, how we use our time now matters more than anything.

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