Thursday, May 21, 2015

Psychology behind perpetul followers

Psychology behind perpetual followers


          As a result of their vulnerability, some people have fans for the rest of their entire life. These type of fans are better known as perpetual followers.


          The ultimate goal for all humans is to have as many people in our lives (that want to be in our lives) as possible (given that we also want them in our lives). Thus, to have perpetual followers when death comes is the best way to end a life of excellent relationship management.


          How can someone acquire perpetual followers? People must do two things and two things only. People must put themselves in multiple social environments and be willing to be vulnerable in each environment.


          Some people are very valuable people. These type of people are quality. Quality fails to be effective without quantity. Thus, quality people typically fail to have perpetual followers if they aren’t in enough social environments. Their problem is never vulnerability but it is location location location.


          Other people are always in social environments. These type of people are quantity. Quantity fails to be effective without quality. Thus, quantity people typically fail to have perpetual followers if they don’t possess enough quality. Quality in itself is a two-step process. It isn’t enough to possess quality – quality must also be expressed. The congruent expression of anything is vulnerability.


          Being able to congruently express vulnerability along with possessing quality, people will become valuable people.


          Valuable people in enough social environments will accumulate perpetual followers.

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