Monday, May 18, 2015

Psychology behind types of relationships

Psychology behind types of relationships

          There are 3 types of relationships we have in our lives and 3 types only. People are either in our lives for the short term value, mid-term value, or long term value. The duration of the terms is completely arbitrary and contingent upon the value all the people in our lives provide.

          Majority of the people that come into our lives will provide only short term value. That is their purpose. When we expect more, we get our hearts broken. Some of these people we initially thought had only short term value will actually prove to have mid-term value.

          Some people in our lives have mid-term value. This means that they aren’t meant to be discarded in the short term and they aren’t meant to be kept for the long term (such as 5 years or 10 years). The purpose of these people in our lives is to give us an amazing experience while introducing us to a lifestyle we didn’t know about. Ending this type of relationship feels more natural than ending short term relationships (because people typically expect more out of a short term relationship).

          Few people in our lives have long term value. These are the types of people who have invested in us and all the changes we will go through. These types of people are the most loyal because of their blind faith in who we are. To ask someone to have blind faith in you is to ask someone of everything. People don’t give up everything. However, they choose to invest in you with blind faith because they believe in your potential. And for that reason, these types of people love themselves through you and not for you.

          People that love themselves for others give either short or mid-term value. To love yourself through others is long term value.

          The ultimate goal is to have as many long term value people in your life as possible. This also means doubling the amount of people in your life who have mid-term value and tripling the amount of people who have short term value.

          The amount of long term value people you have in your life is usually a strong indicator of what kind of person you are. If your life is making a difference in the world, you will have multiple people in your life that provides long term value. If not, then you will only have a few.

          The purpose of networking is to hopefully accumulate quality long term relationships. The more of those you have, the more quality of a person you really are.

          Too many people value fans, not realizing fans are short term. They are only mid-term if you continue to provide value for them in the same way.

          Too few people value loyalty. This quality is hard to come by and is only found in people who have invested in you for the long term. In conclusion, when it comes to people, quality is more important than quantity. Although to get quality (in most cases), you have to accumulate quantity and filter out everyone that’s not quality.


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