Saturday, May 30, 2015

Psychology behind social media influence

Psychology behind social media influence


          The purpose of utilizing social media is to express wealth. There are five different forms of wealth: money and possessions, health and fitness, mind power, relationships, and time. The ultimate goal of social media, however, is to express the value of our relationships.


          Of all the wealth forms, relationships is the most valuable. Specifically, an abundance of long term relationships is the ultimate goal of all people. This is the ultimate goal because people can’t know too many people.


          Having an abundance of long term relationships is not to be misconstrued as having an abundance of fans. Fans do not know an individual personally. Fans only know what they’ve been allowed to know.


          Real long term relationships are relationships that have utmost trust and loyalty. This is the type of wealth that is difficult to come by. Initially, mind power usually help you get these type of relationships. Some people have gotten these type of relationships through money and possessions.


          Mind power is all about providing value to others by using what we know. As we see people as valuable, they will be valuable to us. Thus, in return, they will invest in us for the long term. From there, we can use social media to express how trusting we are.

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