Sunday, May 24, 2015

Psychology behind creating confidence

Psychology behind creating confidence

          Confidence is the result of sufficient preparation. Most people are not confident because they have not prepared enough in the past to be confident in the present moment.

          To be confident means to be secure. To be secure means to take action so that you are not insecure. To be insecure means to not be confident. To not be confident means to not be prepared.

          The actions we take in the present moment will either strengthen our security or insecurity in a future moment. Thus, to be confident now would mean that there was a past investment in this present moment that resulted in the current confidence.

          How can insecure people become confident now? Insecure people cannot become confident in this present moment. However, insecure people can prepare and become secure in a future moment. By doing so, they will be creating confidence.

          Confidence is the result of a long term investment. And to invest in one area means to not invest in another area. Paradoxically, confident individuals are insecure in areas in which they did not invest. Also, insecure people are confident in the fact that they are insecure.

          Thus to be confident or to not be confident is a matter of choice and what you choose to be secure and insecure in. Most people biasedly assume that confident individuals are secure in everything. This is not true. Confident individuals are typically secure in things most people are typically insecure in. Due to the imbalance of secure to insecure ratio of that particular area of interest, confident people appear more confident than average.

          This appearance lead to the foundation of the halo effect. The halo effect is when one quality of an individual is magnified so greatly that their bad traits go unnoticed. As a result confident individuals don’t appear normal. But in reality, all confident people are normal. The only difference is the particular area of interest in which confident people prepared to become secure.

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