Friday, May 22, 2015

Psychology behind gratitude

Psychology behind gratitude

          To fully appreciate something for what it is and not for what it should be is gratitude. Having an attitude of gratitude is the result of having a balanced life.

          Too many people are consistently taking the easy road of life and not forcing themselves to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. By doing so, it is impossible to be fully grateful.

          To have the ability to fully appreciate something only comes from have a clear understanding of its opposite. For example, for each gender to fully appreciate himself/herself, he/she must completely understand their opposite gender.

          People tend to love the choices they make in life because they understand the advantages and disadvantages of making other choices. From this understanding, people that love their choices have decided to fully embrace both the good and bad outcomes resulting from their decision. This ability to embrace good and bad outcomes comes with having an attitude of gratitude because you are accepting something for what it is and not for what it should be.

          Only accepting things for their good outcomes means rejecting things for their bad outcomes. By doing so, you can’t fully accept it. Thus, you can’t have gratitude.

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