Thursday, May 21, 2015

Psychology behind present in the moment

Psychology behind present in the moment


          The ability to be fully present in the moment means having the ability to express the truth verbally but especially nonverbally.


          To not be in the moment is to be in your head. Being in the moment is also known as being inside your body (not your head).


          When you are in the moment, you are fully embracing the emotions you are currently feeling and expressing them with complete vulnerability.


          Some people get in the moment by drinking alcohol or doing drugs. Typically, people that are used to being incongruent use drugs and alcohol to become vulnerable. These types of people are scared to be vulnerable without them. By using drugs and alcohol to be vulnerable, a scapegoat is created to avoid criticism or embarrassment.


          If you can’t be honest, you can’t be in the moment. Being in the moment is about communicating, not manipulating. If you are genuinely willing to risk embarrassment and criticism for showing your vulnerability, you can become present in the moment.


          The benefits of being in the moment is the experience you get to have. The most pleasurable experiences come from being in the moment.


          The opposite of being in the moment is being in your head. This is when people overthink. When people have a conversation with someone while holding back internal thoughts, they are not in the moment. Other people can sense when you are not in the moment.


Being in the moment allows people to transfer their feelings to others. People who are choosing to stay out of the moment can’t receive these feelings nor past their feelings off.


          To express love is to be in the moment. Love can’t be expressed in your head. Love comes from the heart. The heart is in the body. Being in the body is being present in the moment. Being present in the moment means you are being congruently vulnerable. Vulnerability is the only way to express emotions. And fully expressing our emotions for others is the purpose of all our lives. So learning how to be present in the moment is crucial for fulfilling your purpose in life.

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