Friday, May 15, 2015

Psychology behind dieting

Psychology behind dieting

Most people believe dieting is hard and difficult. This is only true because of what most people are comparing dieting to. Most people compare dieting to a normal fat person’s diet. Thus, in comparison dieting seems difficult because the way fat people eat and fit people eat are opposites. A fit person hates a fat person’s diet and a fat person hates a fit person’s diet.

To have the body you desire, you must become the person who have that physique. Most people fear change because it is uncomfortable and they don’t want to hurt their ego if they fail. Changing your mindset is the first step when acquiring and maintaining a fit physique. You can’t be a fit person with a fat person’s mindset.

Most diets involve cutting out carbs. Most fat people’s diets involve eating high carbs. This transition from your normally high carb intake to a much lower carb intake is tough but if you slowly condition your mind into focusing on the long term benefits, you will reach your goal. Too many people don’t expect this problem when dieting and take the eyes off their fitness goal and fall off by binge eating.

Amateur dieters crave a meal plan because they don’t know what to do and don’t want to hurt their ego if they try and fail on their own. The best meal plan is a high protein and low carb meal plan.

How does dieting affect your social life? Dieting will completely change your social life, especially if you always eat out with friends or family. People will start to judge you because you decide to go through a change and improve your life. Most of the time, these judgements are a reflection of how that person see themselves. Dieting is a process in which you focus on yourself. If people judge you for improving yourself, they usually aren’t focused on themselves enough to not care. Never make the attempt of trying to get your friends to agree to your new change in lifestyle because whether or not they agree shouldn’t concern you. This process is something that you must do for you and nobody else.

What is the hardest part of a diet? The hardest part of a diet is cravings. Everyone that goes on a diet craves their old food. Most people think that they are the only ones that have to fight craving and not realize that craving junk food is normal. Conditioning the body and mind to hate junk food is the toughest thing to do while dieting simply because it takes willpower and time. You know you have successfully passed this phase when you have to force yourself to eat junk food.

In conclusion, dieting is all about calories. “Calories in vs calories out” is the typical phrase in the fitness community. As long as you consistently eat in a caloric deficit and not a caloric surplus, the weight should come off.

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