Thursday, May 21, 2015

Psychology behind the sponge effect

Psychology behind the sponge effect


          The sponge effect is the everyday tendency for humans to soak up their environment and become exactly what they think about. Earl Nightingale said it best, “we become what we think about.”


          Why are some people successful and some people failures in life? People fail because they think the way failures think. People succeed because they think the way successful people think. It is that simple.


          Our environment is a crucial determining factor for the outcome of our lives. Luckily, thanks to the internet, we can create whatever environment we want to surround us.


          Typically, people who use the internet to become smarter become smarter. As a result, these people are more likely to be successful. And people who typically use the internet for entertainment become entertained. These people get addicted to entertainment unknowingly. As a result, they expect their environment to be constantly changing for them and not with them (similar to watching online entertainment). And these people become failures in life because they fail to change themselves while waiting for them environment to change. This is the sponge effect.


          The sponge effect is clearly manifested when analyzing friendships. People have a tendency to think like their friends. If their friends are failures, they are more likely to be a failure. For example, nerds in school usually hang out with other nerds in school. Jocks in school usually hang out with other jocks in school. People naturally gravitate towards certain people of similar thinking. As a result, people have in life what their thinking gives them.


          People are constantly soaking up their environment. The way we think dictates the person we become. The person we become is the number one factor that determines success. The person we become determines what we have in life, the things we get to do, the relationships we build, the growth we experience, and the fulfillment we find.


          We cannot escape the fact that we are a sponge. As long as we are constantly soaking up the right environment, we will have the life we want to have. In life, we are forever babies and the environment is our parents. With the sponge effect in mind, you understand that the babies choose their parents. And with certain parents, we can raise ourselves right.

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