Monday, May 11, 2015

Psychology Behind manipulation

Psychology behind manipulation

          Manipulating is all about getting the things you want from others in the short term. Most people make the mistake of trying to maintain manipulative behaviors for the long term. That is not sustainable. The best and most effective manipulation is in the short term because the longer you attempt to draw it out, the more self-affliction you will take.

          People get manipulated from relying on others. Thus, to manipulate someone, they must put their trust in you. People have a tendency to rely on others out of fear of failure and criticism. People are afraid to fail on their own, so they want other people to give them instructions. If people failed while following the instructions, they now have a scapegoat.

          People also tend to run away from criticism. Society has taught people that having critics is horrible and we shouldn’t have many. Thus, we tend to run away from activities in which we are likely to be criticized for attempting. If you tell someone what to do in order to not be criticized, they will put their trust in you and be your slave (given that you are worthy of being an authority in their world).

          After acquiring trust from people, manipulation is quite simple. When people trust you, they become your follower. To manipulate properly, you must instruct your follower to do something that benefits you and slightly cost them. If the cost for the follower is too great, you will lose the follower. This is why manipulation is best in the short term. Effective manipulation is subtle and should always remain that way.

          After manipulating your follower, you must start a streak of providing quality value to your follower. Make it appear that your follower made an investment when you manipulated him/her. In summation, you should be getting only a little bit more from your relationship with your follower. Too many people make the mistake of trying to get a lot more, and will eventually lose the follower.

          Most people don’t understand that a little profit every time for a long time can go a long way. It is far better than rushing the process and asking for a lot in such a short period of time. The best manipulators manipulates their victims slowly. So slowly, that it goes unnoticeable in the short term. Only after years of a close examination will people notice the poison drip. For example, if you were to embezzle money, stealing 0.5% of profits for 5 years is far more effective and likely to work than stealing 5% of profits for 5 weeks. Slow and steady wins the race and this psychology works perfectly for manipulation.

          Even though slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady is more likely to be found out if the manipulative activities are done for a long duration of time. The longer you manipulate, the more likely you are to be found out. Thus, to be a great manipulator you have to have emotional control and not get greedy. Once you become greedy, people will slowly start to notice and you will be found out. With that said, plan your manipulative behaviors for a short time period only.

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