Psychology behind real risks
real risks in life is the risk of inaction and choosing to postpone taking
risks. At some point in life, we must all take risks. The higher the risk, the
higher the reward. The more risks we take early, the more successful we become
many people decide to play it safe by not taking risks. Ironically, the
riskiest thing a person can do is to play it safe. So many people are also
playing it safe. And if you do what everyone else is doing, you will get what
everyone else have.
many people also undervalue taking action. This results in an underestimation
of the risk of inaction. Not taking a risk is an automatic failure. You never
know if you would succeed given that you tried. The future is unpredictable.
And with that in mind, it should be clear that it is impossible to play it
many people want certainty of their future because they’ve been conditioned to
believe that “not knowing” is bad. If people only go with what they know, they
will continue to have what they have. If you want more, you have to go for
more. And “more” is always for greater than what you currently have.
many people are afraid to push their limits. As a result, people get
comfortable where they are. In reality, the only real comfort is in action. Inaction
is painful because it produces regret in the long term.
real risks in life is not taking action now. It is best to try and adjust
yourself along the way.
don’t people feel incline to take risks? Society has conditioned people from
the moment they were kids to obey certain rules. The rules peoples’ parents
instilled in them had set boundaries. People grew up learning to not push these
boundaries. And as a result, people bound themselves. Now in the real world,
when high risks equals high rewards, people never get the high rewards. People
feel that they will be punished for trying (similarly to being a kid). The
traditional form of parenting has damaged society and forced most people to
live their lives in boundaries. To live within any imaginary boundaries is the
real risk.
conclusion, people need to understand there are no boundaries (within the laws
of physics). People can try and fail. And trying and failing is okay because
you can learn from it. Also, “trying” is the only way anyone has ever succeeded.
If you don’t try, you can’t succeed.
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