Friday, May 15, 2015

Psychology behind future uncertainty

Psychology behind future uncertainty

          Because of our natural insecurities, most people always want to know that everything is going to be alright and okay. People want security, but the future is uncertain. Thus, people may or may never have the security they want.

          The typical mechanism to cope with the fact that no one knows what the future holds is having faith. Faith is extreme optimism.

          Ironically, if people knew what the future held for them, it would take all the fun out of life. Life is fun and exciting because of the spontaneity. This spontaneity makes life adventurous.

          If people knew their future, life wouldn’t be an adventure. It would be a boring phase of being robotically controlled by “faith”.

          What is the best way to cope with future uncertainty? The best way to cope with future uncertainty is to stop wasting time coping and start living. Live by setting goals and constantly striving to achieve them daily.

          To cope with future uncertainty, you have to be in the moment and enjoy the moment. You have to enjoy the moment because you will never get another opportunity to enjoy that exact moment. This is called gratitude. And people who spend too much time contemplating the future are not grateful for the moment in which they are contemplating.

          In life, every decision made is made at the expense of making another decision. Thus, we can either live in the future that may or may not arrive OR we can just live in the moment we have now.


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