Psychology behind meal prepping
prepping is important if you care about the future of your health. If you do
not care about the future of your health, do not continue to read. If all you
care about is your current hungry cravings in the moment, do not continue to
read. I say don’t continue to read because I don’t want to waste more of your
time that you are currently wasting by not investing in your future health
every present moment.
prepping help people acquire the best physiques of their life. To acquire an
amazing physique requires willpower and endurance to accomplish a long term
prepping is the opposite of impulsive snacking. Because meal prepping is all
about planning, you are preparing yourself to be happy with a future physique.
people underestimate how meal prepping affects the short term in a future
moment. If you are hungry in the short term (right now), knowing that you’ve
meal prepped for this moment makes you feel better about yourself. You feel
better about yourself because you feel in control. You feel in control because
you predicted your short term desires in the past when it currently was a long
term anticipation. As a result, meal prepping increases emotional control.
that have a problem with impulsive snacking on junk food have a problem with
emotional control. A problem with emotional control is typically due to lack of
past mental control. Mental control involves planning for future moments. Most
people don’t feel like planning for future moments because the benefits are in
the long term and not in the present moment. Inability to see the value of
planning is harmful to your health, especially if you don’t meal prep.
only moments people should enjoy eating are the current moments in which they
had meal prepped. So if you are currently eating something you didn’t plan to
eat, you shouldn’t be enjoying it.
don’t most people meal prep? Most people don’t meal prep because they are
addicted to short term value. Most people want to feel good and pursue
pleasurable food at the expense of not living to enjoy pleasurable food in the
long term. There is value in planning, and people that meal prep knows this.
should people stop meal prepping? People should stop meal prepping when they
are old or have few years left. Nobody know their future so this is impossible
to estimate, but people should aim to start indulging more in the present
moment only when they are old or celebrating a rare occasion.
conclusion, most people eat whenever they feel like eating. As a result, they
may gain weight that they don’t feel like gaining. And they will have a body
they don’t feel like having. The reason why most people’s health is horrible in
the present moment is due to fact that few people plan for the future moment.
And meal prepping is planning for those future moments.
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